Condo installation

The installation of charging stations in multi-unit buildings is more complex than in private residences. Indeed, in multi-unit buildings (or condos), more constraints must be respected than in smaller dwellings: standards and regulations, available power limits, installation location and approval requirements all must be taken into account. The process of installing charging stations in multi-unit buildings can be summarized in six stages:

Condo tower


Feasibility check

A qualified electrician will perform an assessment of your specific needs to determine the charging station's electrical requirements.


Installation assessment

The electrician will assess the available location and power to determine the type of charging station that best suits your needs.


Approval application

Once location and power assessed, an application for approval must be submitted to the relevant housing authority for permission to proceed with the installation.


Wiring installation

Once approval is obtained, the electrician will proceed with the installation of the wiring necessary to power the charging station.


Charging station installation

The charging station will then be installed on the exterior wall of the condo or in the garage and will be connected to the previously installed electrical wiring.


Testing and commissioning

The electrician will perform a thorough test of the charging station to ensure that it is working properly and safely.

Once installation complete, you will be ready to charge your electric vehicle from your multi-unit dwelling. It is important to choose a qualified and experienced electrician to ensure safety and performance of your charging station installation. Thankfully, all our electricians hold a license from the Régie du Bâtiment du Québec (RBQ) and all the necessary knowledge to install a charging station in your home.

Explore our other installation services

Maison résidentielle

Installation résidentielle

Faites installer votre borne de recharge devant votre maison ou dans votre garage - parfait pour charger durant la nuit et partir complètement rechargé le lendemain !


Installation en entreprise

Vous souhaitez installer une borne de recharge pour vos employés ou vos clients, ou pour vous-même à votre lieu de travail ? Vous êtes à la bonne place !


Installation institutionnelle

Équiper écoles, hôpitaux, banques ou autres institutions de bornes de recharge? Un jeu d'endant, puisque l'on s'occupe de tout pour vous !

Mains tappant sur le clavier d'un ordinateur portable

Request a quote today!

Request a quote today for the installation of a charging station for your home, condo, business or company, or for an institution! Fill out the form to speed up the process and to have your charging stations ready to operate as quickly as possible!

Interested in knowing more?

Contact us to make an appointment or for any other question about our services!